The Principal's Guide to Raising Math Achievement
- Elaine K. McEwan - The McEwan-Adkins Group
All stakeholders interested in improving their school’s math education program should be encouraged to read this book.
"McEwan packs much information into this book, easily read by principals and others with or without a mathematics background. She had four goals in mind while writing, and she definitely achieved her goals:
- To convince principals of the power they and their faculty have to make numeracy a reality for all students.
- To introduce the reader to the current controversies in mathematics instruction.
- To present recent research in mathematics instruction so that school staffs can make informed decisions.
To share her suggestions for changes to improve instruction and to make a difference in student numeracy."
The Principal's Guide to Raising Mathematics Achievement is an unusual combination of worthwhile bedtime reading and source book of hard reference information. The reader will have exact references to the research papers and other expository materials which underlie the excellent advice the book gives to school principals, math supervisors, and even teachers.