Chapter by chapter, and equipped with video clips, planning tools, rubrics, and templates, the bestselling Visible Learning for Mathematics gives you the foundation on which instructional strategies to use at each phase of the learning cycle: Surface, Deep, and Transfer.
What Works Best to Optimize Student Learning
John Hattie, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Linda M. Gojak, Sara Delano Moore, William Mellman
How can you best help students to become assessment-capable visible learners in mathematics? These books answer that question by showing Visible Learning strategies in action in high-impact mathematics instruction.
Walk in the shoes of teachers as they mix and match strategies, tasks, and assessments, demonstrating that it’s not only what works, but when. A decision-making matrix and grade-leveled examples help you leverage the most effective teaching practices at the most effective time to meet the surface, deep, and transfer learning needs of every young student. You’ll learn to: