"The question of whether to include phonics instruction has been resolved. The answer is yes." Read the full article by A Fresh Look at Phonics author Wiley Blevins, published by the International Literacy Association.
"The question of whether to include phonics instruction has been resolved. The answer is yes." Read the full article by A Fresh Look at Phonics author Wiley Blevins, published by the International Literacy Association.
In this excerpt from A Fresh Look at Phonics, author Wiley Blevins discusses his motivation for writing the book and describes the ways that its contents can be benefits to teachers, administrators, and coaches alike.
In distance learning, caregivers and teachers partner more than ever to help students with writing. Melanie Meehan created this companion to Every Child Can Write for teachers to share with caregivers to help children develop their writing lives—even while learning at home. Each of the eight modules contains video clips that talk caregivers through tools for supporting their student writers, along with downloadable tools that can be used by teachers or caregivers.
"... To make up for these missing moments, I have begun to focus even more than normal this week on the one consistent area of interaction with my students that I have left: my feedback to their work."
Read the full blog from Matt Johnson, author of Flash Feedback, and his recommendations for providing feedback in a distance learning environment.
"The logistics of providing regular meaningful feedback quickly are daunting." Read this blog from Flash Feedback author Matt Johnson for his strategies for providing quick, impactful feedback without burning yourself out.
Matt Johnson, author of Flash Feedback, shares his strategies for giving better writing feedback in less time, without burning yourself out! Read the full blog on Corwin Connect.
In this excerpt from Flash Feedback, you'll discover one of the time-saving tenets for delivering more powerful feedback in less time.
Read this article from ILA's "Literacy Across Disciplines" by Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey, authors of Comprehension. Inside, the authors discuss their vision for not only deepening students' understanding of complex texts, but energizing and inspiring students to read passionately.
Molly Ness, author of Every Minute Matters, has devised ways to make her literacy rich activities doable at home, so families, teachers, and kids can still have fun with literacy, even at a distance.
Read this article published by ASCD in which Comprehension authors Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey present a three-pronged framework can help students not only learn meaning of texts, but also gain motivation and purpose from them.
In a distance learning environment, feedback and relationships with students will matter more than ever before. Matthew Johnson created this quick-read companion to his book, Flash Feedback, to help teachers implement specific modifications for distance learning, while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
Use this free lesson from Guided Practice for Reading Growth with your students and lead discussions around the text "I Am Not a Number" to help students make inferences to identify personality traits, draw conclusions, and visualize. This text also builds empathy and compassion for homeless families and children.