Developing Highly Qualified Teachers
A Handbook for School Leaders
- Allan A. Glatthorn
- Brenda K. Jones - Pitt County Schools
- Ann Adams Bullock - East Carolina University, USA
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"What is High-Quality Teaching?"
"How is High-Quality Teaching Achieved?"
The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) establishes a clear demand for highly qualified teachers but does little to help educators define "highly qualified" or instruct them on developing those teachers. This handbook clearly explains the concept of highly qualified teachers, as required by NCLB. It then explains how to recruit, develop, and retain highly qualified teachers.
Developing Highly Qualified Teachers is divided into four distinct sections:
- The Foundations: Addressing NCLB guidelines for developing highly qualified teachers, developing a sense of ownership of the highly qualified concept, and recruiting and selecting staff
- The General Strategies: Developing a differentiated system of supervision, and implementing a quality staff development program
- The Specific Approaches: Developing a quality induction program for new teachers, working with marginal staff, fully developing highly qualified teachers, teaming, mentoring, and curriculum development
- The Results: Retaining quality teachers and developing the faculty as a cohesive community
These practices-research based and field tested over many years-will help accomplish the type of faculty improvement and reform that NCLB demands and the adequate yearly progress that students, parents, and faculty deserve.
"If you want to attract, reward, develop, and retain a highly qualified, cohesive faculty, this is the text for you. The authors provide administrators with a workable blueprint for faculty development. Aware of the need for differentiation, this text provides guidelines for developing new teachers, methods to work with marginal teachers, and a process for challenging highly qualified staff members."