The best way to improve teacher clarity is in the company of others
Meaningful teacher collaboration builds collective teacher efficacy, which is a constellation of attitudes and beliefs about the efforts of a school to affect student learning (Goddard, Hoy, & Hoy, 2000). When teachers experience success collaborating with peers and those collaborations improve teaching and learning, they notice. These accumulated data points become the collective efficacy that can triple the speed of learning.
The Teacher Clarity workshop series and resources support teachers in collaborative teams to identify learning intentions and discuss ideas for instruction, review student work and figure out if their efforts have been fruitful, and talk about students who need additional instruction to be successful.
Teams of teachers will:
Foundational Workshops
Teacher Clarity workshops help participants examine the relationship between teaching and learning by activating skills and knowledge around identifying concepts and skills, sequencing learning progressions, elaborating learning intentions, crafting success criteria, and designing assessment opportunities.
Implementation & Coaching Days
An essential ingredient for supporting teachers in embedding new skills into daily practice is implementation days—a time set aside for certified consultants to observe teaching and learning in real time, with real students, in the school setting. Customized to each school’s needs, options include:
Teacher Clarity workshops guide educators through 9 modules to build their understanding of what students need to learn and identifying how they will know that they learned it.
Talk to a Corwin Professional Learning Advisor to request sample agendas, pricing, and PD proposals.